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117 Electrician's Multimeter with Non-Contact Voltage - FLUKE Japan

記述: Fluke 117 Electrician's Multimeter with Non-Contact Voltage (with factory calibration certificate) or equivalent. Technical Data: Maximum voltage between any terminal and earth ground: 600 V DC volts Range/resolution: 60.00 V / 0.01 V, 600.00 V / 0.1 V AC volts¹ True RMS Range/resolution 60.00 V / 0.01 V, 600.0 V / 0.1 V Continuity Range/resolution 600 Ω / 1 Ω Ohms Range/resolution 600.0 Ω / 0.1 Ω Diode test Range/resolution 2.00 V / 0.001 V Capacitance Range/resolution 1000 nF / 1 nF AC amps True RMS (45 Hz to 500 Hz) Range/resolution 6.000 A / 0.001 A DC amps Range/resolution 6.000 A / 0.001 A 10.00 A / 0.01 A Size 167 x 84 x 46 mm (6.57 x 3.31 x 1.82 in)

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  • 117 Electrician's Multimeter with Non-Contact Voltage
  • Adams International LLC USA
  • 1221 Bloomfield Ave
    Fairfield, 07004
    New Jersey, USA.
  • Office : +1 862 783 0029
    Office : +1 862 783 0519
    Fax : +1 973 858 0288


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